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Unity, key to success of Islamic awakening movement

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Imam Khomeini, and his successor Imam Khamenei, very well aware of the destructive role of division among Muslims, spared no efforts to unite the Muslims following different schools of thought. Both as humble servants of the Prophet and the Infallible Imams, have always regarded Islamic unity to be a crucial factor for the protection of the Islamic ummah. The late Imam, first united different groups in Iran, and after creating national unity in order to defeat the plots of the western and eastern neo-colonialist powers, he strove to foster Islamic unity at the regional and international levels. By reviving the genuine teachings of Islam and implementing them in society, the Imam strengthened unity and the society’s culture and beliefs. By adhering to God’s commandments as mentioned in the holy Qur’an, Imam Khomeini called on the leaders of Muslim states to close ranks in the general interests of the Islamic World in order to defeat the designs of the neocolonialists. Regrettably, as a result of their dependence on either the western capitalist system or the then eastern communist system, most heads of state ignored the Imam’s dynamic call even though he warned them of the uprising and wrath of their Muslim masses in future. He said in one of his speeches: The masses in Muslim countries should themselves think of Islam. We are disappointed with the overwhelming majority Muslim leaders, but we have not lost hope in the masses.

Today, the endeavors of the late Imam, and his successor, Imam Khamenei are bearing result as Islamic awakening spreads around the world. The cries of Allah-o Akbar (God is Great) are resonating in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan and other countries. The Muslim masses have decided to liberate their homelands from foreign domination. This is the result of practicing the following verse: “Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition.” (Ra’d: 11)

Religious democracy

Today, the Muslims have awakened and changed their own conditions. They have been inspired by Iran and try to establish religious democracy in their countries. The outcomes of the elections in Tunisia and Egypt underline the popular tendencies in the these countries and in the region. In Tunisia and Egypt, the votes of the people were treated with respect for the first time and in both countries, the Islamic movements received the votes. The same thing will happen in Libya and this Islamic course – with its characteristic anti-Zionist and anti-dictatorship qualities and its inclination towards independence, freedom and progress in the light of the Holy Quran – is definitely the path that Muslim nations will choose.

The elections in Tunisia and Egypt, and the slogans and attitudes of the people of Yemen, Bahrain and other Arab territories indicate that everybody wants to be a modern Muslim without parochial extremism and without western radicalism. They indicate that through religious democracy and with the slogan of “Allahu Akbar”, everybody wants to be liberated from the century-long humiliation, tyranny, backwardness, colonialism, corruption, poverty and discrimination by combining spirituality with justice and rationality. And this is the best way.


The future of these revolutions will be evaluated against these principles. And these principles will be the main standard according to which the health or deviation of these revolutions will be determined. Revolutions can be understood by contrasting them with the characteristics that defined the overthrown regimes. The revolutionaries should watch out for the imposed goals and the efforts to change the slogans.

In order to prevent the Muslims from achieving their goals, the enemies, chiefly the US and Zionist regime, will spare no efforts to divide the Muslims on Sunni –Shia line. But all Muslims must take lessons from the example of the holy Prophet of Islam. The Egyptian and other Muslim peoples should be on guard against the enemies who are trying to sow seeds of discord. Our duty is to work towards the building of a single Islamic Ummah, and today the downfall of some notorious dictators who used to serve as servants of the enemies of Islam, should certainly benefit Muslim solidarity worldwide. It is now time for world Muslims, irrespective of the school of jurisprudence they follow, to set aside trivial differences and hold fast to the ethereal teachings of the holy Quran.

In fact, no code of laws or creed has emphasized unity, as Islam, the religion of universal brotherhood. The holy Quran calls on Muslims to hold fast to the Rope of God and do not indulge in discord. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), strove to build a monolithic and monotheistic society on the basis of virtue and ethics so as to rise above the superficial differences of race, ethnicity, nationality, color of skin, class status and language.

During the 23 years of his mission he left no stone unturned in this regard, and later upon migration to Medina during the last 10 years of his mission, he established the model administration of justice and equity where there was no difference between Arabs and others, like Salman the Persian, Bilal the black African, and Soheib the Roman.

If Muslims fail to close ranks, they will easily fall victim to their enemies who are ever intent to sow seeds of discord among the believers.

In this regard, Imam says: as monotheists we believe in One God, one Prophet, one remarkably preserved heavenly scripture (Quran), and bow during the daily prayers towards the same focal point, the holy Ka’ba, we Muslims ought to be one strong ummah.


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